Annual report 2017

Hello my friends! I’m sure you’re all missing me since my last journey report (which was like 2 weeks ago?). The journey itself is a year ago, though.

After having realized that this could be my last disposable summer vacation for the next 3 years, I had absolutely no hesitation in booking all the tickets and the hotels. I had been thinking about Nanjing for a long time, for it had the 4th largest urban rail transit system at that time (that would be No. 5 now since Shenzhen has now the 4th largest). Considering the convenience of travelling in the Yangtze Delta Region (which technically includes Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai), it was just a little hesitation before I decided to add Suzhou and Shanghai on my list. I planned a long itinerary covering every aspect from culture to cuisine, and to the metros, of course, for the three cities into its deepest core. The result was enormously extravagant, which is why you’ll have to wait longer for my next journey report (It cost every cent of me).

The first stop of the itinerary is Nanjing with no doubt. This city was the capital of China of several dynasties, the most recent one being Ming Dynasty (China Republic if not a dynasty), hence its name Nanjing: Nan – South, Jing – capital. This is really a city of museums, its richness in history and culture precedes easily that of Beijing, the capital of only 3 dynasties.

My hotel (hostel to be exact) had an excellent location, just metres away from the entrance to Fuzimiao, the main tourist attraction, and no more than 50m to the metro station. There is a pretty delicate café/bar at the top floor, but I never got the chance to grab a breakfast because I was always on my way to the metro before it opens. I skipped almost all of my breakfast, and even lunch twice.

One important thing: you’ll never imagine just how hot summer in china can get. Nanjing as the coolest city among the three had an average temp over 35 degrees – already in the morning. I should thank this journey for breaking at least three personal records: most money spent in one day, most attractions covered in one day, and most water consumed in one day! I bought at least 5 bottles per day (including those ordered in a restaurant) and up to 8 bottles once!

To view the details of each line click below:  

Overall impression
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 10

Click here to view more about my journey. (in Japanese)


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