Weekly report issue 4

In this fourth issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report, we proundly present you with the following news:

  • Guangzhou line 13 is currently under trial operation without revenue. Here are some previews of the interiors. 

The interior of the train with an unappealing look.

Apparently every station has this design. (The twining overhead lights)

  • Chengdu Line 7 and its extravagant station arts (opening date unknown):

You're saying these photos are too flashy to you? You can view them static below:

Painting depicting a royal hunting voyage. 

Painting in memorial of the great artist Li Jieren.

Frescos about the ancient Jinsha civilisation.

The  exit of the same station.

Pictures of Szechuan cuisine.

This mosaic work stands for the natural museum in the neighbouring university.

As for those stations without such decorations, a theme colour is fitted to match the four seasons.

And here's the route map. Line 7 will be the first ring line ever to be opened as a whole in one day. 

  • I know that you're all concerned with the informations on Nanjing and Hefei. Well, up till now there's all kinds of rumours, but I'm not posting them until they can be confirmed with solid evidence (photos for example), which is what is shown below:
Interchange indications --- a clear indication of the pending opening.

Our S3, S7 and S9 are now on the official route maps!

  • Hefei: Unfortunately there's currently no official publish. 

I've uploaded some new photos to the issue No. 3, so if you're interested please pay a visit here

Thank you so much for your support to my report! I really hope you do enjoy this issue and join me at the next issue! See you by then!


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