Weekly report 11

In the eleventh issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report, we proudly present you with the following news:

  • Chongqing: The officials have finally released photos of line 10. (Obviously public transport means nothing to anyone here) Please view them below:
I'm really impressed by the numbers of interchange stations on the route map...

*Please note that the station on line 3 has changed its name to "Terminal 2 of Jiangbei Airport" to adapt to the new line.

Inside the new trains.

It is equipped with luggage racks.

So, I guess this is the last report of this year, and although we still have a lot to cover, most of the lines will be opening in 3 days starting tomorrow. Again, thank you for your time and your support over the last few months, I couldn't have achieved this without all of you, and of course, Merry Christmas to all of you! See you tomorrow!


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