Weekly report 25

In the 25th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report, we proudly present you with the following news:

  • Wuhan: I must praise this city for its marvellous contribution in the last month! The last section of line 7 was completed last week and so is line 2's south section. So there's no doubt that these two lines will open in this year alongside line 11 east section, long completed yet no more news.
  • Nanjing: Reports from S7, opened last month. 

Some trains with a normal map showing only the route of S7... 

...whereas some show both S1 and S7. Yes, there are some limited reciprocal services.
  • Tianjin: Some reported that line 5 went into trial operation on the 25th last month, but no official comments.
So that's all for this issue! Hope we can see more progress next week, and see you then!


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