Weekly report 29

In the 29th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report,  we proudly present you with the following news:

  • Whenzhou: This city with no apparent previous discussions about having a metro system has suddenly announced the opening for a suburban rail line "S1" in October. Judging from the name it is likely not a "metro" or "underground" line, but comparable to those with the same names in Nanjing, having most of the sections elevated and 4 car trains, though it does properly serve the city area. 
  • Jinan: In a previous issue I have written about its first metro line R1, and this time it is near completion. Tracks have been laid into position and test runs undergoing. Meet Jinan's R1 in December!
  • Guang'an: A rather modest city in the province of Sichuan, and the second city to be a Yungui project site (Read this if you have no clue what that is). The operators are announcing the trial operation of line 1 starting on 22th August with free ride opportunities. Route map see below:

Line 2 (blue line) under planning.

Now comes the rather depressing news: No confirmable opening yet this month.

And that's all for the first report of this month! I hope to see you very soon in the next issue!


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