
Breaking News!

Line 7 and line 11 east section phase I in Wuhan are officially announced to open tomorrow on the 1st October!

As you might know, the nation holidays in China start on the 1st Oct, so this exact timing serves as a direct response to the visitors, especially line 7.

News about line 7's opening can be traced back to as far as last year when its tunnels were actually near completion. The reason for such a major delay was due to the Changjiang tunnels. As shown in the picture below, the rail tunnels were built alongside the road tunnels, which certainly resulted in higher difficulties and intricacies. Now ready to open, line 7 becomes the fourth line to cross Changjiang.

Road tunnels on the upper level and rail tunnels in the lower level.

Line 11, while already completed last year, is delayed for this year. Probably because the city didn't considered it as a priority. Maybe because of poor ridership?

Pictures of line 11.

Anyway, the route map of Wuhan is going to experience another great change. 

Current version of route map. Note that line 7 and Zhifang line are shown as one on the map. Line 2 south section, while not opening, is shown.

I will do a follow-up report that day just for sure, but more importantly, to mark out two lines on our list!

(And so zero opening this month too?)


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