Weekly report 34

In the 34th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report,  we proudly present you with the following news:
  • Shenyang: This ambitious city has just got the tracks of line 10 laid. Almost no doubt for an opening next year, expect for one unexpected incident: the construction of the depot hasn't begun yet! So this might be the first example of a postpone not due to unfinished tunnels or stations, but because of nowhere to park!
  • Suzhou: The tunnels of are reported to have been completed. No doubt for an opening next year.
  • Chengdu: Line 3 phase II and III, the only sections left to open this year, are now under test runs. See you in December!
  • Qingdao: Line 13 is announced to be ready to open. So it might be the next one on the list.
That's all for this week and I hope that these news have drawn your interest!


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