Weekly report 35

In the 35th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report,  we proudly present you with the following news:
  • Qingdao: A major breakthrough on the line 1: the undersea tunnels are completed! As shown below, the route of line 1 takes it across the channel, connecting the two peninsulas that make up this city. I suppose it's the currently longest undersea tunnel for a metro line (and probably forever).

  • Nanning: The small network in this city is expecting an expansion as line 3 joins the other two lines next year. Constructions on line 3 has been completed and the trains are currently under test runs.
  • Zhengzhou: Another completely new line after 2 years, the circular shaped line 5 is already in sight. Its construction has been completed since September and the test runs are to be commenced soon. 
That's all for this issue and I truly hope to see you again in the next issue!


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