Weekly report 37

In the 37th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report,  we proudly present you with the following news. As this is the last issue before Christmas (and of this year), you know to expect more from me:
  • Chengdu: Now that the line 3 phase II, III are already opened for free trial rides, we, as the witness of the following photos, are already behind time:

Overview of the artistic stations.

Here are the details (translated from the official account):
  1. Shuangliu West station: This station is reminiscent of an airport terminal, which fits its status as the terminus. The statues are merchants who travelled across the country to trade tea. Chengdu was once the center of tea production in China and the first stop for many merchants who played a major role in the flourishment of this city. 

       2. Shuangliu Square: Chengdu is also famous for its silk. On the following paintings we can see the whole process from              sericulture to the trading of silk. 

       3. Botanical Garden: I don't think any further interpretation is needed.

       4. Clock Tower: Lotus flowers are admired in this station and in the nearby park, Guihu. The painting in the                                background features the illustrated life of Yang Sheng'an who named this park.

       5. Machao Road West: Named after the tomb of Ma Chao (Check him here). Meet the great heros here in relief.  

  • Hefei: Constructions on the tunnels of line 3 are completed in no time, elevated sections to be announced. Though no new lines this year, the expansion of system is visibly rapid, at a speed of roughly one line annually (which might keep going because line 4 is moving smoothly right now).

  • Shanghai: Days lining up to the opening of line 13 phase II, III, we're going to take a closer look into one of Shanghai's longest metro lines:
Above all, the route map.

This line represents the avant-garde conceptions of Shanghai Metro, achieved through the combination of technology and artistry.

This inquiry robot responds to all sort of questions such as interchange, exits and orientation in the station. 

Names of all the new stations.

Changqing Road station: This station is to be sensed with all five of them. Unfolding above our head is one of the greatest painting in China (Wikipedia), whilst a whole wall is dedicated to calligraphy works. 

Huangpeng road station: We come across a family of three generations vividly depicted in a frame. As mediocore as they might be, it's thousands of them that made up every inch of this city. 

Chenchun Road station: The legendary life of an adventurer is portrayed in nine paintings. From the initial encounter to the dommed fate, a tragic romance leaves us in a sentimental mood as we wander in the heart of this city.  

I would like to present all my best wishes to you and thank you for your support over this year! I wish you a merry Christmas and a hearty dinner! 


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