Rep: Chongqing M4 etc

Breaking News!

I declare hereby that line 4 and loop line northeast section in Chongqing are now in service today!

An enormous excitement this year, delighting us with a phenomenal ring line (only half a ring though), exceeding that of Shanghai or Beijing by far, though not all the stations are ready for passengers. Nevertheless the metro company shed light on a possible opening date of them:

Line 4: Gangcheng (2019.09), Min'an Dadao (interchange with loop line) (2019.01)

Loop line: Tianxingqiao (2019.08), Nanqiaosi (2019.04), Danzishi (2019.04), Renji (2019.06), Shanghao (construction not begun), Luojiaba (2019.06), Min'an Dadao (interchange with line 4) (2019.01)

I'm so much obliged to have the honour to mark the line on the list.

* This blog post was supposed to have been posted on the 28th December.


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