Special Guided Tour, Act II: In Xi'an (Airport Intercity Railway)

Welcome to our special guided tour. Today we'll take you into the first intercity railway line of the Northwest Chinese city Xi'an, namely the Airport Intercity Railway. Please make sure to follow me tightly throughout the whole journey.

Train crossing the Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River.

Another great feature of this line is that each station has its own icon representing something in its name.

Route map. This line has further extension from Beikezhan to Heshaocun as indicated.

Now, purchase your tickets by cash or mobile payment, and I'll wait you downstairs.

Pass the ticket gates by swiping your single journey tickets or having your QR code generated upon purchase scanned.

Beikezhan Beiguangchang

Situated at the north side of the Beikezhan (North Railway Station), this is currently the only joint of Airport Intercity Railway to the network —— specifically, to line 4 and line 2 via corridor. The interchange is made easier for arriving passengers travelling from the airport to downtown, as they only need to walk across the platform to board the line 4 train bound for Hangtian Xincheng. Passengers looking for a connection from line 4 to the airport however have to take the long way down to the concourse and climb back to the platform for Airport Intercity Railway at the other end. The station layout is essentially two side platforms side by side. 

Left: Airport Intercity Railway terminus (temporary). Right: Line 4 to Hangtian Xincheng.

Airport Intercity Railway, bound for Airport West/T1, T2, T3.

Take a seat please. We will rise outside the tunnels shortly afterwards. Our next station is: Weihenan (Wei River South).


A standard elevated station.

Our next station is: Qingong (Qin dynasty palace).


Our next station is: Qinhanxingcheng.

This is where the future expo center will be located.

Our next station is: Changling (Mausoleum).

Where the founder and the first emperor of Han Dynasty and his empress rest. (Wikipedia in German)

Our next station is: Baiqizhai.

An ensign standing in front of a village. This village is named after a general who stationed here once.

Our next station is: Yishu Zhongxin (Art Center).

Yishu Zhongxin
This icon is inspired by a legendary beast found on decorative tile roofs.

Our next station is: Konggang Xincheng (Airport New Town).

Konggang Xincheng

Our next station is: Airport West T1/T2/T3.

Attention: Trains not stopping at the intermediate station Airport T5. This station will be in service as long as the Terminal 5 does.

But just the station icon nevertheless.

Airport West T1/T2/T3

Terminus. The all of you please descend the train and gather ten minutes later at Exit A2. You can use the time to take picture if you like.

Station icon, seen from inside.

Exit A2 directly outside Terminal 3.

As of now, five exits are open at this station, with the exits A1 and A2 serving Terminal 3, and exits C1 and C2 serving Terminal 2. Terminal 1 is unfortunately not directly served by an exit. 

You may now feel free to take a walk around, since our bus hasn't come yet, but please make sure it's not more than 15 minutes. For those who would rather wait for the bus, join me at exit B, where we've got the main parking area.

The End


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