Weekly report 50

In the 50th issue of our (irregularly updated) weekly report, we proudly present you with the following news:
  • Chengdu: The first city ever to have made into three consecutive issues of our series, and this time it's for the Rong 2 tram. The current system with 12 stations and no connection to other lines will be expanded to a Y-shaped branched line and knotted to the hub of west Chengdu, the West Railway Station, by the opening of the later section, and such to be installed as the main transportation of the northwestern suburban commuters. 
           To summarise: Line 5, line 10 phase II, Rong 2 tram later section for this year.
  • Shenzhen: Besides being the longest line to be born in this city with a stunning length just slightly under 50 km, line 6, with its tracks fully on track now, will complement line 11 by forming conjunctively the outer peripheral vessel of the city upon its opening next year.
  • Shijiazhuang: The first metro line ever to appear in Heibei Province, most known for its curious geographical position enabling it to envelop the entire Beijing and Tianjin (which brings up the question how could a major province be so humble in terms of railway service), the phase I of line 2 had just pulled itself through the final stages of construction last month. Another six months are anticipated before the actual service.
Hi, my dear readers. As this one is very probably the last issue before Christmas, I would like to present my greetings and wishes before you and me indulging in the festival. This is the 50th issue of this blog that I started two years ago, a very memorable day today and this is only the 50th issue out of who knows how many issues. No one can be sure how longer it will take till the 100th, or how many issues will be released at all. But as always, thank you for your company throughout this year, even though I had hard times and wasn't able to publish the news at a regular pace. I'd thought that I would be so regretful for leaving you alone and it indeed hurt me so badly, but now, with the whole year behind me, I am really proud to be able to say that there aren't only sorrowful memories that I made, but those precious and irreplaceable times with you too. So I hope for the best for all of us, and pray for a better blog next year. And of course...
Merry Christmas!


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